Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Week 10: Web 2.0

The internet is a constantly evolving place. Right now we are experiencing what people call web 2.0 - a much more interactive version of the web than the original that was very linear and mostly just informational.

Let's talk about the characteristics of Web 2.o!!

Dynamic Content:
An example of this is that was on the powerpoint. It's dynamic content because it is "viewable on multiple platforms." This website is pretty much a combination of flickr and google maps, so it shows pictures from people around the world popping up on a map! MAGICAL. It's a combination of applications with contributions being constantly updated from around the world.

User Contribution:
An example of this characteristic is which is a website for people who play video games. It provides reviews on games, some walkthroughs, as well as tips and cheats fro beating games. However, ALL of the content is user generated and submitted. You get the how tos from other gamers, which is really cool.

Social Media:
We talked about most of the social media type sites that I know about during the lecture, but here is another example:, which is a site that involves social networking, and yet it all revolves around people's love for movies! People can right reviews and comment on other peoples profiles, if perhaps they think they have similar tastes in music. What fun!

Online Applications:
This refers to the kind of programming you wouldn't usually think of as an online thing, and yet there it streams. It's software yet on the web. An example of such a thing is which is a photo editor on the web. You upload your photo from your computer and you can edit it right there!

Harnessing Collective Intelligence:
This is mostly talking about the concept of "tagging." You tag something so that it becomes easier for you and others to find. An example of this is which is a quiz website I used to go on back in like, middle school. Oh how times have changed... Anyway, they use a tag cloud to show what quizzes are popular and what not.

Was that not interesting?
Stay tuned for more awesome in my next post!

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